Cost Savings of Subscribing to a Meal Prep Program

Hi Team!

As we all know too well, eating out or even going to the grocery store can be expensive, especially if you do it often. A lot of people find it hard to believe that getting your meals prepared by a company like Kitchen Abz can actually save you money. But once I break it down it becomes much easier to digest (see what I did there lol?). Here’s why.

First, meal prep offers convenience! You don’t have to spend time planning meals for the week, shopping for groceries, or cooking. This saves you a lot of time and stress, especially if you have a busy schedule!

Second, meal prep helps to avoid food waste. When you cook at home, it’s easy to overcook food or buy too many ingredients. We’re all guilty of it… But with a meal prep program, you get the exact amount of food you need for each meal!

Third, the right meal prep programs will help you eat healthier. But beware, NOT ALL MEAL PREP COMPANIES ARE CREATED EQUAL! What I mean by that is as meal prep becomes more popular, more companies have stepped away from offering HEALTHY meals and are basically using junk ingredients. When you eat out or go to the grocery store, it’s easy to be tempted by unhealthy foods. Meal prep programs typically offer healthy meals that are made with fresh ingredients.

Finally, meal prep programs flat out save you money! When you eat out, you pay for the convenience and overhead costs of the restaurant. When you go to the grocery store, you pay for the markup on the groceries.

Here is a comparison of the cost of subscribing to a meal prep program versus eating out or going to the grocery store:

Kitchen Abz Meal Prep program: $7.50-$8.50 per meal.

Eating out: $15-$20 per meal, on the cheap end!

Going to the grocery store: $10-$15 per meal

As you can see, the right meal prep service can save you a significant amount of money, especially if you eat out or go to the grocery store often!

Here are a few tips for choosing a meal prep program:

  • Consider your budget. Meal prep programs can range in price from $7 to $12 per meal. Choose a program that fits your budget and lifestyle. Regardless of the protein, Kitchen Abz meals are all $7.50 for women and $8.50 for men!
  • Look for a program that offers a variety of meals. You don’t want to get bored with the flavors. Choose a program that offers a variety of meals to choose from. We offer a new menu every week to keep your taste buds happy & healthy!
  • Read reviews before you choose a program. This can help you learn about the quality of the meals and the customer service. We proudly have a 5 star google rating!

If you’re looking for a way to save money on food, consider trying out Kitchen Abz! Not just because its convenient & delicious, but also for the HEALTH of it!


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